Hotspots Universal: New York: Babbo

Thursday, June 30, 2011

New York: Babbo

Thursday, June 30, 2011
Babbo is located at 110 Waverly Place, at the northwest corner of Washington Square Park in New York's Greenwich Village.

Take the A, C, E, B, D, or F train
to the West 4th Street Station.

After exiting the station, walk one block north on 6th Avenue and take a right on Waverly Place. We are one block east of 6th Avenue.
Take the Holland Tunnel. When exiting the tunnel, bear slightly left to Ericsson Place which quickly becomes Beach Street. Take your first left on to West Broadway. Veer left on to 6th Avenue/Avenue of the Americas. Take a right on to W 8th Street, then your first right on to MacDougal, then your first right on to Waverly Place. Babbo will be on your left.

Take either the West Side Highway or the FDR to 14th street and follow 14th street to 5th Avenue and turn south into 5th Avenue and continue until it ends at Washington Square Park. At the park, take a right turn into Washington Square
North, which is also Waverly Place, our street. Cross one set of lights at MacDougal Street and look for Babbo on the left, at Waverly Place, between MacDougal Street and 6th Avenue.

Upon exiting the tunnel, take the 35th Street exit on the left towards 34th Street. Turn slightly left to the exit and then turn right on 34th Street. Turn Left on Lexington Avenue and then a quick right on to E 33rd Street. Take your next left on to Park Avenue South and proceed to Union Square, where you should turn Right on E 14th Street. Go a couple of blocks to 5Th Avenue and take a Left on 5th Avenue. Go until 5th avenue ends at the Washington Square Park arch. Take a right on Washington Square Park North, which after one block turns into Waverly Place. Babbo will be on your right.


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